Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage Blog

  As you know from previous blog posts, my family is finally under contract. After some negotiating and lots of luck we are able to start the final jog to the closing table. There is so much that happens after your realtor exclaims,  “Congratulations! Your offer has been accepted!”   No two real estate transactions are ever the same, and our situation has to be one of the most unique I have ever been a part of. My family (“the buyers”) are located in a hot market in North Ca... Readmore

What to Expect When Selling Your Home: Part Six - The Closing

Posted by Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage on July 13, 2015 in  closing  listing  moving  selling  what to expect
  I was not as smiley as this woman on the side of our UHaul After packing every square inch of our home, minus the living room curtains (you can read more about this in last week’s blog) we were ready to scrub. My family and I had loved our home and we wanted the new buyers to walk in and love it too. Luckily, I had the help of my super awesome parents. Everyday for the last week in my home, my mother and I would drop my kids off at a drop-in daycare. We would clean the inside of the house while my f... Readmore

Buyer Tip: Change the Locks After Closing

Posted by Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage on February 16, 2014 in  change the locks  closing  moving into new home  new home
After months of looking at homes in Southeastern North Carolina, making an offer on your favorite, doing your due diligence, and (finally!) signing the purchase papers at the closing table, you have a new home! Now, you’re ready to move in and make it all your own! You’ve got paint colors in mind, new furniture to assemble, pictures to hang, dishes to unpack…But don’t let your excitement get away from you. You still have one very important thing to do – change the locks! It’s ve... Readmore



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