Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage Blog

Tracking Down the Food Trucks!!!

Posted by Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage on July 24, 2015 in  #LoveWhereYouLive  Food Trucks  Things to do  Top 5  Weekends  Wilmington
Work up an appetite this weekend visiting some of our open houses then find a food truck! The food truck scene in Wilmington has grown exponentially in the past few years. Our family loves to do a good food truck hunt! The best way to love where you live is to explore it. Here are a few of our favorite conquests! Catch - Sliders, street tacos, and more filled with locally caught yumminess. There is a reason that the movie studios loves Catch so much. It is divine. This is by far one of the best road restaurants ... Readmore
  One of the greatest things about living in Coastal NC is the abundance of unique weekend events. Whether you have visitors from out of town and want to show them a good time, or you are looking to explore your hometown you have lots of options for this weekend. Here are 10 of the activities going on this weekend that are worth a look! Explore! #lovewhereyoulive 1. Nurishment Class: Homemade Condiments Learn to make all of the condiments that you need for a summer cook-out. When you are done, grab a bite and... Readmore

What to Expect When Selling Your Home: Part Six - The Closing

Posted by Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage on July 13, 2015 in  closing  listing  moving  selling  what to expect
  I was not as smiley as this woman on the side of our UHaul After packing every square inch of our home, minus the living room curtains (you can read more about this in last week’s blog) we were ready to scrub. My family and I had loved our home and we wanted the new buyers to walk in and love it too. Luckily, I had the help of my super awesome parents. Everyday for the last week in my home, my mother and I would drop my kids off at a drop-in daycare. We would clean the inside of the house while my f... Readmore

What to Expect When Selling Your House: Part 5 - Life After the Offer

Posted by Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage on July 03, 2015 in  agents  home selling  negotiating  offer to purchase  packing
  Pay close attention to these curtains, and read on. In my last blog post, I talked about the highs, and lows, and long nights of negotiating and accepting an offer. It is an exciting time, but don’t pop that cork (like we did) just yet. Little did my husband and I know, there would be many more hurdles to jump before the whole home selling process was over. The offer that we accepted put us walking away with a couple thousand dollars. We knew that we would not walk away with lots of money, as we bo... Readmore



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