Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage Blog

5 Advantages to Selling Your Home in the Winter Months

Posted by Amber Stimmel on December 07, 2015 in  Home Sellers  sellers  Selling
Far too often home sellers are reluctant to list their homes for sell in the winter months out of fear that the home will sit on the market until the spring “selling season.” Let me ease a bit of that fear, and tell you some of the many benefits of selling in the winter. Winter Buyers are Motivated Buyers who are willing to disrupt their holiday vacations are pretty serious about buying. In many cases these buyers are in a position that they have to move be it a job transfer, a new baby, or family... Readmore

Listing Your Home in the Fall!

Posted by Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage on October 09, 2015 in  Buyers  Fall  Holidays  Listings  Market Trends  Selling
Listing Your Home in the Fall! I’m not sure how many times I have heard a friend or family member bemoan that they would have to wait until spring to put their homes on the market. Sure, spring is the most popular time to buy and sell real estate, but did you know that the fall selling season comes in a close second? Sometimes, depending on your situation, it might be the best time for you to sell you home. There is nothing more cozy and memory provoking than a fire in the fireplace, the smell of cinnamon ... Readmore

What to Expect When Selling Your Home: Part Six - The Closing

Posted by Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage on July 13, 2015 in  closing  listing  moving  selling  what to expect
  I was not as smiley as this woman on the side of our UHaul After packing every square inch of our home, minus the living room curtains (you can read more about this in last week’s blog) we were ready to scrub. My family and I had loved our home and we wanted the new buyers to walk in and love it too. Luckily, I had the help of my super awesome parents. Everyday for the last week in my home, my mother and I would drop my kids off at a drop-in daycare. We would clean the inside of the house while my f... Readmore
    If you read last week’s blog post then you already know the first step. If you missed it then you might want to back up and read Step One: Finding a Realtor. Ok, caught up? Perfect. In an attempt to inform our clients, I am blogging my personal experience listing (selling) my home. As I mentioned in the last blog post, this is not my first experience. However,  it does carry much more weight. I now have 3 small children, a dog, and house bursting with a “lived- in” feel. We... Readmore
Listing one’s house for sale can be a taxing situation, or it can be a pretty easy one. Hopefully by educating yourself on what to expect you can take the stress out of one of the most important decisions that you will make in your life. Step One: FIND A GOOD REALTOR. I can not stress enough the importance of this first step. After buying and selling quite a few homes in my life, this step has played the most important role in keeping the process rolling smoothly. There are many many factors that need to b... Readmore



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