Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage Blog

5 Advantages to Selling Your Home in the Winter Months

Posted by Amber Stimmel on December 07, 2015 in  Home Sellers  sellers  Selling
Far too often home sellers are reluctant to list their homes for sell in the winter months out of fear that the home will sit on the market until the spring “selling season.” Let me ease a bit of that fear, and tell you some of the many benefits of selling in the winter. Winter Buyers are Motivated Buyers who are willing to disrupt their holiday vacations are pretty serious about buying. In many cases these buyers are in a position that they have to move be it a job transfer, a new baby, or family... Readmore
  If you have been following along on our family adventure, you already know that moving and buying our new home has faced some unique circumstances. My family and I are located in the US, the seller of our soon-to-be home is based in the United Arab Emirates. This meant that throughout the buying process our agent had to be knowledgeable on the longer than usual buying process. It meant that my family had to practice patience, because any communication with the seller resulted in a longer than usual respons... Readmore



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