Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage Blog

Top 10 Items All Beach Home Owners Need

Its Never Too Early To Find The Perfect Beach House
Posted by Kathy Alexander on January 21, 2016 in  Beach  House Features
Some people invest in seafront condominiums or cottages, renting them out in season – enjoying their own vacations in spring, fall or even winter. Then, there are those who decide that the coast is where they want to live, year-round. After all, a beach home is a very special piece of real estate. If you are lucky enough to own and live in such a space, then you probably put a great deal of time and effort into ensuring it’s perfect. To assist in your efforts, here are – in no particular ord... Readmore

Real Estate Designations and What They Mean

Posted by Amber Stimmel on January 20, 2016 in  agents  designation  education  Real Estate Agents  realtors
Finding a real estate professional that can most effectively meet your needs can be a daunting task. There are hundreds of agents out there that solicit business at the very first whiff of a real estate transaction’s possibility. They are by no means bad agents, they are actually go-getters. Real estate professionals are good at what they do for a variety of different reasons. Some love the idea of making a dream come true, some like the business and negotiation side, and some simply like houses. Like a... Readmore

CONGRATULATIONS! Top Agents & Teams - December 2015

Posted by Kathy Alexander on January 15, 2016 in  agents  top producer
Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage is pleased to announce our top producing agents & teams for December. Wilmington Office Top Listing Agent Michael Jones Top Selling Agent Jennifer Farmer Top Listing Team Gruner Residential Top Selling Team Shane Register Team Carolina Beach Office Top Listing Agents Lisa Heglar & Kathy Marcinowski Top Selling Agent Cori McQueen Brunswick Office Top Listing Agent Alma Bouchard Top Selling Agent Nolan Formalarie Top Listing Team Hank Troscianiec &... Readmore

Beach Home Winter Maintenance Tips

Posted by Kathy Alexander on January 14, 2016 in  home inspection  Home Renovations
Even along the beautiful southeastern coastline of North Carolina, winter weather can cause trouble for unprepared beachfront homes. This goes double for owners of vacant summer homes, because no one is present to catch problems before they get out of hand. Applying these simple winterization tips for your beach home can prevent several preventable issues from arising. Plumbing First Temperatures in the teens lasting more than a day or two can cause water pipes – especially those exposed to the elements &n... Readmore

Best of the Best Places to Live

Posted by Amber Stimmel on January 11, 2016 in  #LoveWhereYouLive  awards  Best of the Best  community
2015 was a great year for Southeastern North Carolina. We saw accolades pour in from publications around the world. Wilmington made quite a ripple on the national scene, as did Wrightsville, Carolina and Kure Beaches. As we look back at some of the recent commendations that our area received we also look forward to the growth and recognition that 2016 is sure to bring. Placement on “Top Ten” lists and  “Best Of” lists is not entirely new to Wilmington, NC. We thought that we had a... Readmore



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