Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage Blog

All of the spaces above were described as “cozy” or “efficient” in their real estate descriptions. Are they “cozy”? I hope so. Are they small? Nope, not for us! With our area settling into the autumn season, words like “cozy,” “warmth,” and “homey” become part of everyday conversation. I recently had a visitor to my home who described my den as “cozy.” I was beyond flattered, as this is just the way that I want my den to ... Readmore
  After selling our home for a move across the state, my husband and I wondered if now was the right time to buy a home? We had to move quickly, due to a job start date as well as a super-quick sale of our home. Upon arriving in our new town we set up camp in a rental with our three children and started researching. The very first thing that we did, upon the advice of various realtors and lenders, was to make sure that our finances were in good order. No matter our choice to buy or rent, we needed to be able... Readmore

What is the No. 1 Tip for Home Buyers?

Posted by Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage on August 20, 2014 in  buying a home  Jessica Edwards  real estate

What is the No. 1 Tip for Home Buyers? Our very own Wilmington agent, Jessica Edwards shares her advice via Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC!




What is Included in the Closing Costs?

Posted by Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage on February 02, 2014 in  buying a home  closing costs  home buyer  home closing  home mortgages  mortgage costs  settlement costs
When you obtain a mortgage, you need to pay fees - charged by lenders and third parties – related to the purchase of the home. These fees are called closing costs and are included on top of the cost of the home and down payment. Here is a list of common closings costs: Credit Report Processing Fee Loan Origination Fee (for processing loan paperwork) Costs of Inspections (Termite, Home, etc.) Appraisal Fee Survey Fee Property Taxes Private Mortgage Insurance Prepaid Interest Prepaid Insurance Discount Points... Readmore

What is Earnest Money?

Posted by Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage on January 26, 2014 in  buying a home  buying home deposit  earnest deposit  earnest money  earnest money check
When a home is under contract, it’s removed from the market. This is good for the buyer, because it gives them time to do their inspections and due diligence without the threat of another buyer snatching the home out from under them. However, it can hurt how well a home sells by preventing other buyers from seeing it; therefore, a frivolous buyer can be a waste of time and money for a seller. When you sign a contract to buy a home, you make a deposit on that home. This is called an “earnest money deposi... Readmore



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