Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage Blog

Taxes and the Aftermath!

Posted by Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage on April 16, 2015 in  Action  General Assembly  NC Homeowners Alliance  North Carolina  Real Estate  Taxes
On April 15th whether you were happy, neutral, or upset by your 2014 tax filing one thing was for sure; you were impacted. Every year millions of dollars are given or received. Millions of people feel the responsibility of living in the greatest nation in the world. Homeowners experience a greater impact. As homeowners we have extra taxes, extra credits, extra ways in which we are tied to our government. Oftentimes we blindly pay or receive, because at the end of the day it is what it is. For many the money we ... read more
In North Carolina, home sellers aren’t required to be present at the attorney’s office on the day of closing. Most of their paperwork is done ahead of time. However, on the day of closing or the day before, they need to sign-off on the HUD form, which shows all the details of how the funds are being paid. They can stop by the attorney’s office once the form is prepared or sign the required documents remotely (depending on transaction requirements). Even though they aren’t required to be at c... read more
Have you heard about our “Coast In & Win Open House Weekend”? Here’s how it works: Enter To Win $500 Cash Attend any of our open houses during our “Coast In & Win Open House Weekend” (every THIRD weekend of each month) to be entered to win a drawing each month.  One lucky winner will take home $500! This is open to ALL of our open houses, from Southport to Jacksonville and everywhere in between.  Our open houses r... read more
Don Bullard of Don Bullard Insurancespoke at the Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage Wilmington office meeting today about the coastal counties insurance rate hike. If you own a home in one of the 18 coastal counties of North Carolina or are planning to buy, it’s important you educate yourself on this hike. Insurance companies want to raise the homeowner insurance rates by as much as 35% in many areas, because they’re afraid of losing their profits if North Carolina is hit by a large storm like Hurrican... read more
Have you heard about our “Coast In & Win Open House Weekend”? Here’s how it works: Enter To Win $1000 Cash Attend any of our open houses during our “Coast In & Win Open House Weekend” (every THIRD weekend of each month) to be entered to win a drawing each month.  One lucky winner will take home $1000! This is open to ALL of our open houses, from Southport to Jacksonville and everywhere in between. Our open houses range... read more



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