Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage Blog

Real Estate Designations and What They Mean

Posted by Amber Stimmel on January 20, 2016 in  agents  designation  education  Real Estate Agents  realtors
Finding a real estate professional that can most effectively meet your needs can be a daunting task. There are hundreds of agents out there that solicit business at the very first whiff of a real estate transaction’s possibility. They are by no means bad agents, they are actually go-getters. Real estate professionals are good at what they do for a variety of different reasons. Some love the idea of making a dream come true, some like the business and negotiation side, and some simply like houses. Like a... Readmore
  If you have been following along on our family adventure, you already know that moving and buying our new home has faced some unique circumstances. My family and I are located in the US, the seller of our soon-to-be home is based in the United Arab Emirates. This meant that throughout the buying process our agent had to be knowledgeable on the longer than usual buying process. It meant that my family had to practice patience, because any communication with the seller resulted in a longer than usual respons... Readmore



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